At Casa de Alabanza we are committed to help transform lives and equip families for a better future. Our call is to make disciples of Christ who wholeheartedly adore God and are intimately connected with Him. Our mission is to proclaim The Gospel to every person for the glory of God.
And our goal is to reach the Kansas City community for Christ.
Jose & Sandra

About Jose
Pastor Jose is originally from Cuauhtemoc, Mex., Also known as the land of 3 cultures (Mexican, Mennonites, Tarahumara Indians) Cheeses, and Apples. Pastor Jose is a father of four (Josh 25, Mariah 23, Diego 15, and Mateo 13) Pastor Jose's passion is reaching the lost and restoring families by the Grace of God.
About Sandra
Sandra is originally from Los Angeles, California but raised in the West Side of Kansas City, MO. Sandra's priority is serving God, being a loving wife and mother. Sandra also enjoys working for Casa de Alabanza / Worship House. Sandra is the current worship team leader and loves to express her love for God through her service, praise, and worship.